A mix between IT Specialists, Event Organizers and Video/Photography professionals, we dedicate our expertise and knowledge to all the events that could get lost. From weddings to products presentations, from birthdays to funerals. We are there to hold your hans in happiness, joy and sadness and help you to share your moments with your dearest or your prospects. We can provide just the gear or fully take care of your event.
By Ria, Fabrizio and Claudio.
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Our Mission is Your Event

Between great technology, good timing and professional point of view, we are able to set up the tecnology to provide you with a perfect live streaming experience. We want to ensure your event is kept in the partecipants memory and in a timeless vault to make you to be able to share it in the years to come. We are using 5G technology integrated, at your request, with the best mobile cameras currently available in the market. Live Day Event is investing and will constantly invest, in the most efficient and reliable available technology to free you from any stress and keep your event in the best light and colours.

Contact Us

To receive more information or for a quotation, please, fill in the form. We look forward to hearing from you